Forum Replies Created
KeymasterYes – I’m liking this EXPO Canada idea a lot as long as fishing is the main attraction.
Dan — I guess we’ll be seeing you in a week or so. I’ll have a booth this year so come and see me … #622. We’ll miss you ProLinz.. but be in touch soon.
take care,
KeymasterDiamond and Dan –
I have posted the pics below. Check em out. Nice job Diamond!
KeymasterDiamond! I probably need to increase the file size for uploads. Meanwhile can you send them to me and i’ll post them for you. Send them to We would love to see your job. Very exciting!
Take care,
KeymasterWhere does a piston pump go on a paver? Are talking about IR/ Blaw Knox Sealcoating Equipment? Not sure what you mean.
KeymasterHey dnicholson!
Some great tips. You are absolutely right to use a combination of approaches and invest heavily on having a large presence on the web. Couldn’t agree more. My marketing company works with contractors to help them do exactly what you are doing. Check us out sometime and thanks for your insights.
By the way… what’s your company and web address?
KeymasterCall Gerrold or Eric at Neal Manufacturing. They will help you! 770-830-1282
KeymasterTom – That is a really great tip. It would be so easy to overlook something like surface texture when bidding a job. If this is something you can expand on send over a short article to me and I will run it in my next newsletter… definitely something all contractors would benefit from – especially those new to the business.
Thanks so much!
KeymasterI sure don’t. I would love to hear what people have to say.
KeymasterHey Sloan22
Have you checked with the asphalt institute? I would go to their website and then even give them a call if you have a question. They are very helpful there. I don’t believe you’ll find much on sealcoating city streets other than with a chip or micro seal. You also might look at city and state requirements. They may shed some light on the subject as well. Let us know what you find!admin
KeymasterHawaii –
I spoke with Gerry Signs of Asphalt Enterprises in Atlanta. This was his comment:
“I think that the compaction density is achievable with that weight of a roller, installing the asphalt in 2 lifts, ONLY if the asphalt is placed in optimal weather conditions, the hotter the better.”
Hope this helps. We’ll see what Dan comes up with too.
KeymasterHawaii – I don’t know the answer to this question. I’m going to see if I can find out for you.
KeymasterHey thanks for posting this and for keeping us up to date. This is important information.
KeymasterExecutive Asphalt –
The other folks that I know of that make ride on machines in addition to Anders and Rayner include Sealmaster and Neal. They’ve both been around for a long time and make great equipment. Hope that helps.
KeymasterHere’s an image of the machine. I don’t know alot about the equipment myself. I’m hoping Dan Zurcher from American Striping will be able to nail it. He’s the moderator of this forum and an equipment expert.
KeymasterWhen you post it you can add a picture by clicking on the “attachments” button and adding a photo. It has to be a pretty small picture to post it so if you have any problems email it to me and I’ll post it for you. I’d love to see the picture myself.