
Public Works are falling behind on maintenance of their asphalt pavement investment. Two main problems are premature failure of joints, longitudinal and trench, and acceler- ated pavement deterioration around potholes due to failure to prevent moisture penetration.

Heat Design Equipment Inc. has solutions to both these problems using patented, no flame infrared heaters, and will be showing these solutions at the Denver APWA show in September.

The first is the longitudinal joint heater that allows contractors to re-heat the un- compacted edge while paving, making a high density, impermeable joint. Independent studies by the University of Tennessee and the University of Arkansas for their respec- tive DOTʼs proved that joint heating makes a dense, waterproof joint, at the top of the list of joint making technologies evaluated.

For hot-in-place patch repair HDE will be introducing our infrared utility attachment heater , the HDE 400UT. This unit consists of four 3 foot by 18” infrared heaters in a frame attachable to a standard utility tractor. It allows municipalities to tackle pothole repair in a permanent manner, heating the edges to make a structural repair in minutes. The heater can be combined with a towable asphalt hot box/recycler for repairs where a lot of asphalt is needed, or a towable or on board recycler that will make hot mix out of waste chunks in a matter of minutes. There is no doubt municipalities have to introduce better, cost efficient methods of tackling their pothole program, and this one time solution ensures longer lasting repairs that will not fail.

The MR75 asphalt mini recycler will also be on display at the show. This unit has been popular for many municipalities, allowing them to reheat waste chunks of asphalt in the winter time in 5 minutes to fill potholes. Testimonials report costs of production less than 20% of costs of using premium cold mixes, with one time fixes lasting 3-4 years.

Finally, we will show the R2D2, a 2 foot square infrared heater for reheating core holes in pavements to ensure a better bond to the edge of the core, preventing a failure area from forming due to water penetration through the core.

We are at booth 202, please come to visit us and see how you can ensure maximum sustainability in your pavement structures.