
Regulations On Bulk Sealer Storage

Home Forums Sealcoating Equipment Forum Regulations On Bulk Sealer Storage

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I’m wondering if someone can tell me or point me in the right direction. I am currently looking to expand my business and need a 5000-8000 gal. bulk sealer tank. I’m not sure what the regulations are for having something like that. Can it be located in a commercial, industrial, residential zoned area? Does it need to be indoors? What if you have a spill from the storage tank, what procedures need to be taken? Is it best to have a Gas Motor or Electric Motor; phase I or III? I was hoping I could put the storage tank in a poll barn on a concrete slab or just out doors in a fenced in area.

    Thanks for any help


    The rules and regulations will vary from state to state. My suggestion would be to contact the local fire department as they will probably want to do an inspection. If you are storing Coal Tar based sealer you will have to deal with the hazardous materials team.

    It makes sense to build a berm around the tank to contain spill however unlikely. Also, be sure to use both a gate valve and ball valve at your outlet point for added safety.

    I recommend a II phase hydraulic power unit as this will give you the HP you need without the fear of running out of gas.

    I happen to have a 4500 gal tank for sale if interested.

    You can contact me at m.lagares@toplinepavement.com


    Thanks for the info. I am interested in your storage tank, where is it located?

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