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Hello Steve
How are you?
I have a style that seems to work well.
I have a “Template” saved. It has my style…my company’s info and certainly the contact information at the top.
In the body portion I have a statement…
We Propose To Furnish All Material And Labor To Perform The Following Items Of Work:
Then, under that…I simply say what I’m going to do.
( I’ll list that in a moment. )
BUT…I DO NOT give my itemized pricing. I bid…”Lump Sum” style.
I have a couple reasons for that:
1) If anyone needs a second quote…THAT striper must, at least, go look at the job himself or herself…( instead of simply being read MY work over the phone. )
2) It may only be my opinion…but…if my customer sees this…
1000′ of 4″ line at .14 per foot.
8 Directional Arrows @ 18.00 each.
2 H/C stencils @ 25.00 each.
Then…maybe…that causes that person to think…”are those good prices”?
…or…if it’s a smaller job…the price per foot may look too high…etc.
Here’s how I bid…
( After the above statement of “We Propose…” )
Re-Stripe To The Existing Layout And Pattern
Includes: Paint; Sherwin Williams Traffic White / Yellow / Blue.
All Existing Stall Lines.
All Existing Directional Arrows.
All Existing H/C Stencils.
Then, Steve, under that, I add…
All work to be performed after hours, (1) trip.
All Existing H/C Stencils will be converted to the “Blue Block” design.
All work to be performed Saturday 1/1/1. All lots to be closed and empty of all traffic.
All lines to be straight, parallel and of the same length.
My Striping Company. Fine Lines since 1998.
If you have any questions, please call Steve @ 123.4567.
…Steve, one more thing…
Under the “Cost…$410.00
…you may add…
OPTION (A) Re-Paint Existing Yellow Curb along (6) noted No Parking Areas.
( Steve, note that this DOES NOT mean you’ll paint the curb for $190.00. It ONLY means you’ll paint the curb…IF…IF…you get the entire job. ) ( Your “Minimum Trip” Charge may be 250.00…! )
Then, Steve…below that…I ask for the deal…
Please sign and return via fax or email to the above number / address. Thank you.
How’s that?…so far…?
There are only (3) jobs…here are my “Titles” for the other two:
Re-Stripe To The Existing Layout And Pattern Over Seal
Layout and Stripe To Customer Specifications
Steve, that’s it…EVERY job will fall under one of those titles…and then, under whichever of those appropriate titles begins the …
Does that make sense?
Last…RECAP…no…I do not give my itemized pricing.
1) Other stripers can easily beat you…without effort.
2) Those prices may differ from one “closer” location…to a far location…vs. job difficulty…etc.
3) The customer may legitimately / benignly be “curious”…too curious…and / or, make an honest mis-judgement.
I bid “Lump Sum” style.
( I’m hoping my style, Steve, is just plain old simple and safe. )
OK…how’s that?
I’m going to post this and read it too.
I hope it makes sense.
Let me know.