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Hello Laszlo
First…Africa sounds great. I’ve never been there. Maybe one day.
Next…you had asked about Pressures. Yesterday I sprayed 7,000′ of Yellow Centerlines. I started with 2000 lbs. BUt then raised it to 2200 lbs. Again…that’s always going to be a range..depending on several “moving” factors. But again…I hope this helps.
Next…first…I commend you. You’re working hard. Good for you.
Next…I’m thinking it’s the paint or the change. So…yes…I would clean it too.
Next…I don’t have any pictures…but…try either the representative that sold you the machine…and if it’s a new machine to you…that person should be out there with you.
Next…then try http://www.Graco.com Click onto the International Sales or International Service…or International Suppliers. These people should actually carry these parts. These aren’t that un-common. These are very stockable parts.
Next…I’m going to guess now…If I bought a Hydraulic 200 from Graco…I’d imagine it cam with a gun that has a filter in the handle…?…or…even the filter already in the line…?
THe guess is because those pictures are the same ones I use in my “In Line” filter. So…where did you get those pictures. Can that source sell and ship to you?
Last…did you have any trouble prior to the switch in paint? If not…try something simple…clean the machine good. Strain some paint…different paint…and try again. If you’re good to go…then it was simply the paint. I would still pursue the proper In Line…or In The Gun Handle Filter…but at least we know it was the paint…or the machine needed a simple cleaning.
More…when you say “sand”…I’m thinking that’s just normal settling. Either try having it shaken…or you need to get a stir into a drill and still it up. I don’t believe this is the problem…but again…that’s normal if the paint sits either days…or a week. Stir it or have it shaken. That “sand” is the hard particles that will be left when the liquids evaporate from the paint. Liquids are used to carry that “sand” or better said…”Solids” to the ground. We need those going to the ground…not staying in the bucket.
Next…when you said…you just started this business…I assumed the 200 HS was new. Is it?…or is it used?
AND…what type of Thinner did you use.
Here’s why…IF it was used…there were some particles in the lines. IF you’re using something “Hotter” than Mineral Spirits…like Acetone…the “Hotter” “thinners” will dissolve the old flakes or paint that normally occur in the used machines…and THAT is the source of the clogs…over and over again.
Read this through…try some things…keep in touch.