
Reply To: Trailer? Do I need one for my striping equipment?

Home Forums Pavement Striping Equipment Trailer? Do I need one for my striping equipment? Reply To: Trailer? Do I need one for my striping equipment?


Hello Guys.
Im new here, but would like to add my experience with Cargo vans and trailers.
I work out of an extended Cargo van, and got to the point where I just couldnt take the smell anymore.
Nothing worse than opening the door on a hot day and getting blasted by Xylene.
So I bought a single wheel 6×12 trailer, it bounced all over the place and I had a terrible time keeping everything in place.
Recently I bought a 19 ft vnose all aluminum dual wheel snowmobile trailer.
I ride off the side ramp, and ride on the back, tie it down, secure my pails and stencils and off to the next job, works a treat, costs a little more to Haul, but I unhook the office, park it, and its ready to go the next night.
I prefer to have everything in one place and do a complete top up of inventory every week, clean the spray guns, park them up and ready to roll again and again, just my 0.2c worth,

Looking forward to reading your book Dan, if your ever near the border, come stripe with me up here in Toronto, would love to pick your brain.
Mark Goodman
