
Reply To: Questions on TRUELINE Model 20 (hand pump) and 250N (Nitrogen)

Home Forums Pavement Striping Equipment Questions on TRUELINE Model 20 (hand pump) and 250N (Nitrogen) Reply To: Questions on TRUELINE Model 20 (hand pump) and 250N (Nitrogen)


Hello Lee
How are you?
First…thanks for the post.
Next…I have two answers…
1) Don’t buy it.
2) Buy it.
Here’s what I mean…

I don’t know anyone who has one…no striper. We all have airless machines. Period.
Next…I know of a guy who tried one like this and offered that the side “curtains” get very drippy…very quickly.
To be fair…maybe that’s an adjustment that needs to be tended to.
Here’s my next answer…ready…?…
This may sound like I’m talking out of both sides of my mouth…but…if you only have 600…ish…dollars…and need to feed your family…buy it…and get started.
There’s a part of me that says…I don’t care what your first machine will be…get started.
Then…maybe in a year or maybe even two…you’ll buy an airless…etc.
In a perfect world you’ll buy an airless. But…it’s not a perfect world.
The only thing I can say is this…get started.
Next…the only thing I can offer on the Nitrogen model is this;…I’d find out where I can get that tank filled and certainly the cost of that.
Also…maybe I’d look for a second tank too.
I’m sure after a few jobs you’ll know how far you can go with the one tank.
Last…if you need advice on how to stripe or anything else…let me know.
I’d like to help more.
Thanks again for the post.