
Reply To: Adding an additive to your sealer? The real cost in the tank and on the ground.

Home Forums Sealer Additives Adding an additive to your sealer? The real cost in the tank and on the ground. Reply To: Adding an additive to your sealer? The real cost in the tank and on the ground.


When you break down the additional cost of additive it doesn’t look like a lot per square foot. However if you look at the total cost by percentage, you are looking at an 8.5% increase for 1% and around a 17% increase on cost of sealer for 2%.

Saturday I out down $5400 worth of sealer (our cost) and if I used 2% it would have cost me roughly an additional $918. To me that is significant, but I have to look at weather conditions to see if the additive let me stripe sooner, get on the lot quicker etc.