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Hello Perry
My first questions..
1) Is it an airless?…or Conventional?
2) You mentioned “clamps”…?
Here are a couple statements…
Filters…if it’s an airless…I have one filter in the Paint Supply Line. That shouldn’t be the problem.
The “Over spray”…if it’s an Airless…I used a certain paint…ooooh…sticky and lot’s of hype from the maker. (They don’t make it anymore.) I had a fine line 1/4” inside the edges…both of them. It was like I had debris in the tip…at exactly the same spot…on both outside edges of the orifice…! I put up with that for job…after job. Then another striper told me that he had the same trouble. The only thing we could do is…1) Laugh. and 2) Realize…it’s not us…! (Did I mention the MFG doesn’t make that paint anymore…!?)
That said…another striper from the Northern U.S. had some paint troubles. He couldn’t get the paint to “break”. He tried “Reducing it”…which is different than simply “thinning” it…= a splash of water or thinner…depends on what you’re spraying. It didn’t help. I suggested another paint…problem solved.
Next…there are two different types of tips for the Airless. One has a “U” cut design…and the other has a “V” cut design. One is for spraying walls…the other is for…Striping…! Titan has a numbering system…1906. Graco’s looks like 319. (Make sure the tip is a Striping tip.)
So…my first thoughts are…add a splash…maybe switch to a different MFG…just to see how their paint sprays…or hopefully it’s the wrong type tip. If these do not work…keep in touch. (I must admit…”Over spray” on an Airless doesn’t sound common.)
If it’s a Conventional…
a) “Reduce” with the proper agent = water or Mineral Spirits or Toluene.
b) Try SW, PPG or ICI…(ICI is now Glidden). I’ve used each MFG’s Latex, Fast Dry Latex and Alkyd, (I’ll use Glidden’s Alkyd today)…(RAE also makes Alkyd). I have never used Acetone Based. And…I don’t want to.
Next…try “upping” the air pressure. It’s the Right Hand Tee valve. It’ll introduce more air into the system…in the gun line…and hopefully “break” the paint up into a nicer, more evenly distributed spray. (I generally expect 40 to 55 lbs.) See how that works.
Then…add a splash of “Reducer”.
Next…on a Conventional…this is weird…turn the tip around…= spin it. You said you did that. Next…turn it a tiny bit more = slightly off center. If that fixes it…I generally start painting. But…it’s an indication that the paint doesn’t want to break.
Last…? Try one of those other MFG’s…just to see what they’re like.
Does that help? I hope this was organized.
Keep in touch. I’m off to stripe. I’ll check back.