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OH and i would also like to mention…
-if you take care of a unit you can get many years out of it. for instance… i have this older Graco 200 hs, it has been used HEAVILY. ok? by i mean “heavily” i mean used for intersections and road makings, houndereds of hours a year. i have had it for i think 5 yrs. i have put approx.. 8,000 liters through it. i am not kidding. i checked the life liters on the data control panel that tells how many “life-liters” it’s sprayed and i have really been the only one to use it. now most people won’t believe that, but it’s true. i have never rebuilt it. no joke.
Taking care of an airless machine includes…
– over long period storage. leave cheap hydralic oil in it instead of water of mineral spirits.
– if you can avoide excessive flushing that would help. toluene is harsh on packings.
– Prevent running the system out of paint. i have had pumps in my shop that i took apart that had a blue piston rod from over heating. One of my employees tryed to suck up paint for a few minuetes due to a cloged suction line. He ran it without paint going through it. if you arent getting pressure, investagate… check hoses, paint, and filter… regularly.