
Reply To: Walgreen Specs

Home Forums Pavement Striping Materials Walgreen Specs Reply To: Walgreen Specs


Hey Ed.
I wouldn’t hold back.
1) They aren’t going to come over to our side = they are going to go with these specs.
2) …and again…bid it to your favor.
Sometimes when I bid a job outside the limits of normalcy…
…and I get the bid…
…my first thought is…
…crap…what did I miss?
I liked your idea of a rectangle for the DRIVE THRU.
That makes total sense.
Conversely…when I do not get the bid…
…I think…that’s ok.
Now I’m going to talk out of the other side of my mouth.
Walgreen’s aren’t that big = 100 cars?…(4) directional arrows?
…and it’s a new lot? = wide open and no traffic.
Bid it right…take your time…and look for more.
You’ll do great.
Keep in touch.